This mission was set up with the aim of bringing joy to the nation.this is done through various activities,in the communities that focused on health care
education and poverty alleviation reaching out to teenage pregnancy bringing hope through the blood of Jesus Christ.
Prior to health and grace ministry starting , I worked for health is wealth for 10 years and I travelled to various countries with the team, St Vincent, Grenada, Nigeria India and Monserrate .in 2019 the health and grace ministry commence this mission has travelled to Nigeria and India the mission has empowered women with sewing skills food parcels and people ate taught and encouraged with the word of God.

poverty alleviation 

teenage pregnancy

Health Education

Missions emerged   through    the vision the Lord  showed me where I saw   plenty of children appearing before me and this left me puzzled, The Holy spirit continued to minister to me that he is sending me to the nations  To wipe Way tears  from the faces and preach the gospel of the Lord Jesus . .I realise what pain and struggles  and diasapointment is about  but I will not back away because I decided to set my eyes on Christ . I realize am under instruction and I can be replaced if I don’t carry out His assignment, so I press towards the mark of the high calling in Jesus Christ so I can’t take it lightly. Ministry can be lonely at times you could be misunderstood, but God is faithful. My tenancy is to make a global impact in the world.

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